I’m a huge fan of vintage designer bags! The problem with buying vintage designer bags is the uncertainty of knowing whether or not the bag you’re purchasing is authentic.
When I decided to buy a vintage Chanel bag, I did a ton of research online about which sites were trustworthy. One site was Vestiaire Collective. What appealed to me about Vestiaire Collective, aside from the positive reviews, was the fact that they have experts check the quality and authenticity of every item and, more importantly, that they guaranteed the authenticity of the item (Vestiaire Collective also sells pre-owned designer clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry, etc.).
Satisfied with all the information I learned, I began my search for a white vintage Chanel bag on Vestiaire Collective. One bag met all of my requirements: relatively new condition, sold by a reputable seller, and within my budget. The seller was also willing to negotiate on the price (if “make an offer” is NOT listed below “add to bag” the price is fixed). It’s been awhile, and I forget how much below the asking price I proposed but the seller accepted my offer, and I completed the deal!
My experience with Vestiaire Collective was excellent, which is why I happily agreed to collaborate with them when they contacted me one year later! I love my white Chanel so much, that I decided to get the same bag but in black. This time I purchased it from a seller with a fixed price (a different seller had the same bag with the option to negotiate but the bag wasn’t in as good condition). Once again, my experience was seamless and I LOVE the bag, which I will be wearing all the time!
Would you purchase pre-owned designer goods? Do you have a site you like to order from? Let me know in the comments and check out some of my other favorite pre-owned designer bags that are currently available below!
Special thanks to Vestiaire Collective for partnering on this post!

Vestiaire Collective
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