If I could go back in time and give my younger self advice – it would be: “Wear your retainer!!!!” Sadly, after my braces were removed, I chose not to wear my retainer and slowly but surely, my teeth have shifted. As a result, I never feel that comfortable smiling with my mouth open because I don’t want to draw attention to my crooked teeth. So when I heard about Candid, a teeth straightening service, I was excited to learn more!
To get started you can either request a starter kit or visit a Candid studio. Since I happen to live really close to one of the studios, I decided to go to the Candid studio.
The first thing I was asked to do after I arrived was fill out a detailed survey, which had questions about my dental history, the last time I was at a dentist, what my issue with my teeth was, etc. Based on my answers I was told I was an eligible candidate for Candid! [Side note: I love that Candid is, no pun intended, so candid about the fact that their treatment is not for everyone. Some reasons you might not be a candidate are you have more than a mild to moderate imperfection; you haven’t visited a dentist recently – you must be cavity free and your gums must be healthy].
Next, a Candid specialist used a digital scanner to take a 3D image of my teeth (if you choose not to visit a studio, you can take impressions of your teeth at home), and then I I sat down with one of the Candid specialists to go over my concerns and goals in greater depth. The appointment was super fast (only 30 minutes) and I was on my way!
The scans taken at the studio will now be sent to a board certified, practicing orthodontist, who will customize my treatment and create the perfect aligners for me! The aligners for the entire treatment (along with a complimentary whitening kit, a storage case, instructions, and retainers) are then mailed. So simple – no in office visits required and the process is 65% cheaper than traditional braces and other aligner options!
Special thanks to Candid for sponsoring this post!

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