For today’s post I am going to hold off identifying the pieces that I am wearing so that we can play a game!
Let’s see how good you are at determining whether an item is expensive, inexpensive, or somewhere in between.
For purposes of this game, we will define inexpensive as less than $25 and expensive as over $200. Your goal – correctly identify whether the following pieces that I am wearing in this post are expensive, inexpensive, or somewhere in between: (1) cardigan (2) dress (3) necklace.
Keep in mind that more than one item may be expensive, inexpensive or somewhere in between, so it is possible that you may not end up using all three options!
Leave your guesses in the comments below and I will reveal the answer next Wednesday! Good luck!

dress: expensive
cardigan: not expensive
necklace: not expensive
Yay! So happy you are participating!!! Loved meeting you and working with you last week! xo yael
Dress – somewhere in the middle
Cardigan – somewhere in the middle
Necklace – inexpensive
Shoes – expensive
Not suuure. Nonetheless, the outfit looks sharp! <3
Thanks so much for the kind words and for taking the time to participate!!! Hope you’re having a wonderful week so far! xo yael
Cardigan expensive
Dress inexpensive
Necklace in between
Shoes..expensive! :)
LOL LOL you are correct re: the shoes!!! As for the rest…. you’ll have to wait until next week! Thanks so much for your response!!! xo yael
Ok Ok,
Cardigan expensive (theory maybe?)
Dress inexpensive
Necklace Middle
yay!! xoxo
Always gorgeous high or low!
Aww thanks babe! But i’m not letting you off so easily! You have to take a guess!!! lol xoxo
1) cardigan – inexpensive
2) dress – expensive
3) necklace – in-between
love this look!
Aww thanks Lauren and thanks for your response! This is so much fun!!!! xo yael are my guesses! :)
cardigan – inexpensive
necklace – expensive
dress – somewhere in the middle
Yay! I’m so excited that you are participating Eva!! Stay tuned to find out the results!!! xo yael
ooh! Tough one! I’m going to have to say: dress is expensive, cardigan is not expensive, jewelry is expensive. How did I do??
Hi Kristy!
Thanks so much for your comment!! As far as finding out how you did – you’ll have to wait until next week!!!! xo yael